In a World of Girls, Brownies discover different cultures around the world and see how storytelling can inspire us to help others. Then girls may team up to tell their own stories through theater, crafts, painting, or even by developing their own advertising.
WHEN: 9/15/2019 2:00 PM -5:00 PM
WHERE: West Metro
COST: $10.00
Deadline for Registration:
Troops must provide their own Adult Volunteer to Girl Ratio for supervision.
Individual Girl Scouts (Juliettes) welcome!
** does not include cost of Badge Award Set or Book.
Schedule of Events:
Opening Ceremony
International Friendship Song
Icebreaker game
Instructions on stations
Hand out passports
Decorate Passports
Rotation 1
Rotation 2
Snack: Bento Snack!
Rotation 3
Closing: review our travels and close with a friendship circle.